Can't run away... can't stay

Whilst not being heavy on the lyrics, the Kills manage to produce a slice of 80's disco crossed with new romantic vibes and delivered with shiveringly good vocals; think Marc Almond sleaze coupled with Billy Idol snarl and you're there.

This number slides out of your speakers with the ease of snake that senses its prey is ready to dine, coupled with an electronic buzz that pulses through this number. But maybe it's too well done. There's a sense, after a while, of overkill, although if you are into this kind of electro music then you won't notice, as you will be in the trance that it can inspire.

If you haven't noticed it yet, then the fact that the Kills give you three versions of the same number will wash over you anyway. While there are songs that deserve the multi version format, they need to be of a higher quality than 'Love Is A Deserter' and what at first enthuses soon loses its shine.