Trendy-sounding electro-punk from the Montreal trio...
Professing to sound 'like the celestial lightning on the mystic mountain' and hailing from Montreal, the Canadian trio We Are Wolves return with 'L.L. Romeo', the latest single to be taken from their 2005 album 'Non-Stop Je Te Plie En Deux'.
From the first foot-tapping beats, and with it's trashy electro-punk-meets-dance stylings, 'L.L. Romeo' has a decidedly trendy edge; as soon as the catchy guitar rhythms and seductive synths begin to swagger in the background you can't help but find your hips shaking as you wail along to the song's indistinguishable, often slightly frenzied, shouted vocals.
Making use of the triple guitar/drums/analogue synth attack, 'L.L. Romeo' sees We Are Wolves unleashing a quirky and cosmic four-minute romp that sucks you in, shakes you up, and spits you out. The track will be available as a digital download-only release from Playlouderrecordings.