Feudal politics meets 21st century disco soul...

"A tale of fourteenth century peasant revolt set to twenty-first century disco soul"; a peculiar combination, you might think (and you'd be right!) but somehow Manchester indie mavericks Keyboard Rebel manage to pull it off in their new single, 'My Lordship'.

Beginning with laidback shuffling beats and an a cappella lilt, there is an instant party atmosphere to this track, as it melds feudal politics with catchy keyboard chords, a soulful electric guitar wail and funky disco beats that Scissor Sisters would be proud of. In addition, the CD single also includes the new track 'Whirlwind', which begins simply with gentle guitar, keyboard and vocals, while a mournful trumpet intermingles with hissing drums and rippling keys.

Catchy, loveable and refreshingly unpretentious, 'My Lordship' will be available on CD and download from 31st July through new cult Manchester label Slick Nine Records. If you're in the Salford area, why not get down to the single launch party at The King's Arms, Salford on Friday 4th August with live performances from Keyboard Rebel, The Moulettes and special guests.