Feel Good Indie

Oh dear. Summer is around the corner and every indie band around is looking for the feel-good hit of the summer, which will decorate all of E4's protracted advertisement breaks. Step forward the Jyrojets, a 5 piece from Scotland.

'Favourite Thing About Jane' has all the ingredients required of such a song. Quirky guitar melodies followed by an anthemic chorus, mixed up with a gravelly voice of which the Gallagher brothers could be proud. It's a happy song, and certainly makes you want to get up and dance. But, 30 minutes later, I doubt you'll remember what you were dancing to.

The problem is, we've heard it all before. There's nothing new here that makes me want to listen to more of their stuff. It's decent, but nothing more. 'Favourite Thing About Jane' is a pretty inoffensive track. It's easy enough to listen to and evokes memories of drunken nights out with old friends, huddled around in a sweat soaked circle. Unfortunately, that's all it is. Sadly for the Jyrojets, the DJ could skip the track to 'The Importance of Being Idle' and most wouldn't know the difference.