A punk-metal-rock mix

An excellent punk-metal-rock mix of sound explodes from this album right from the beginning. Great use of police sirens and vocal oration open up 'Black Beneath The Eyes' which then hurtles through space firing guns on all sides. Extreme axe work combined with carpet bombing drums are further enhanced by the screaming vocals that kick in and have a terrifying beauty of their own. After an interlude of a slightly slower pace, (ha!) 'The Art Of Selling' fires up and amid a dramatic bass and drum infused number the axes start their work screaming at you with the precision of guided missiles. 'Dividing Line' sticks with this format and has great riffs and spiralling guitar sound. Who ever said lead guitars were passé never told these guys. Thank God! 'Controlled Burn' just takes you deeper and deeper into the world of Glass and Ashes as does 'Dead On Arrival' which has the kind of beat that throws you against the wall again and again. 'Head First' has a tower of axe sound which hits you, to be followed by a light and dark head banging experience that has passion at its core. 'Eighty-Six' is a metal/rock fest of music fuelled by axes that seem to have a life of their own. 'Bloody Knuckles' and 'Off The Piranha', strangely enough, despite their titles are the slower numbers on this album (like these guys know what slower is!) and could be considered the more poetic for that. In the latter an ending of the vocals with "We are the product placements. We are the target audience. We are the budget cuts. We are the bottom dollar." Is nothing short of inspired genius. 'Glass Plans' lulls you at first, but don't forget this is an outfit that can make a bulldozer look like a cuddly toy. Excellent music, great riffs, ray gun axe work, bass and drums that rip your guts out and vocals that have more scream than a dive bomber.