Review • Rotary Ten ‘Time is not a line, and I am not a rock’; Colour; ‘Chutes’

Logically there has to be a good reason to put two singles by different bands on one CD. A possibility is that neither is good enough to warrant their own individual release. It would be harsh to condemn this kind of judgement on either band, simply that neither band are actually interesting.
Starting in a cascade of guitarry pleasantness, ‘Time is not a line…’ seems perfectly decent. Nonetheless it quickly descends into a blur of noises which seem to have been sped up in order to hide their mundanity. But if it wasn’t for the tempo I’d think that they were bored.

By contrast, ‘Chutes’ starts slowly and then ascends into rubbishness. It has a stop. start. rhythm which is impossible to get into and the vocals sound like they were set down in a shed. All in all hardly worth investing in, unless either band knows you personally. Ross Fisher.