Midnight Juggernauts • Shadows

‘Shadows’ is not the best track ever, but it does have some moments. It starts with the wail of some metallic banshee, before progressing to a sick bass line that makes you want to do things. Powered by signals from outer space, it is all too easy to make connections between the sound of its creators • Midnight Juggernauts • and other bands on the periphery of popular music.

However, this is true space oddity that is utterly alien to anything else. Featuring a blistering array of futuristic noises, they refuse to go easy on the ears. Critics have compared them to Bowie and Kraftwerk, which seems appropriate enough when you’re listening to the track, but simply doesn’t do them justice on paper. The 5 b-sides do seem a bit gratuitous and I definitely wouldn’t recommend listening to all of them in one sitting, but they are a pretty good laugh. All in all, a good track.