Genre defying, hardcore, digital pop-punk...
Imagine big white robots and little girls on space-hoppers and you might get an idea of strange musical masterpiece that is 'Happy Ride'. Another single from 2004’s CiSTm KonFLiqt, 'Happy Ride' combines aggressive overdriven rock guitars, electronic, techno rhythms and a particularly pop-tastic, infectiously melodic chorus. If it sounds like an interesting combination... it is, but one that works all the same.
'Cracker!!' is a similarly strange musical concoction, beginning with a kind of digital drum n' base before the aggressive, hardcore vocals kick in, all of which are fantastically indistinguishable apart from a few expletives somewhere near the middle. The final track on the single, 'CiSTm KonFLiqt', seems to find a happy medium between the first two tracks, continuing with Cracker!!'s' techno, drum n' base backdrop and violent vocals, but combining it with a chorus almost as addictive as that of 'Happy Ride'.
All together this is a great single package, with the stunning artwork that has become The Mad Capsule Markets' trademark and a video that reflects perfectly the crazy nature and fast pace of the songs (as well as showing the extent of the band's huge following in their native Japan). Although it won't be long before you're fed up of bouncing along to 'Happy Ride', 'Cracker!!' and 'CiSTm KonFLiqt' will keep your attention a little longer – overall, well worth a listen.