Before All Time - A Study In Jealousy

Before All Time are a band of five fellas from the south west of England. This one-track single would seem to indicate that they are a band with a bit of a Green Day fixation. Comprising some fairly workmanlike, if not unlikable pop punk, marred a little by the overdone fake US accent of the singer, the track rattles along at a fairly decent pace.

The best bit is about a minute in where several voices join together in a “di da-da da-da” chorus, which kick-starts some chugga chugga guitars that really boost the tempo. The worst bit is the lack of a very memorable tune, something that is needed for anyone hoping to pull of this kind of music. Most of the time they made me think of Green Day, as already mentioned, but then in places they also sounded a little (very little) bit like The Lemonheads, which was nice.