Gringo Star - Gringo Star

I've heard rather a lot about 'Gringo Star', which is rather peculiar, as nothing much seems to have been written about them. Boasting an impressive resume of album's and live performances (their PR department won't let you forget it), they have taken time out of their busy schedules (an impressive 250 shows a year) to release a self-titled album.

'Gringo Star' is a collection of pretty standard indie rock music. There's nothing here that will take the listener by surprise, it's pretty inoffensive stuff. Musically, it's competent without ever being daring. The vocals are somewhat confusing at times, but mostly sound. There isn't really anything 'wrong' about the album per se. It's just really really boring.

There is nothing in this album that makes me want to play it again. I don't want to stay in the room and here what Furgiuele et al have to say. 'No Reason' and 'Transmission', the first two tracks on the album, pass by without even rousing a shred of excitement in my bones. It is only with the entrance of 'No Man' that you feel in any way compelled to listen. A delightful ensemble of quirky piano and walking bass line, 'No Man' is by far and away the best track on the album.

However, following comes 'Coming For You' a rather schizophrenic piece, genuinely unsure of whether it belongs in The Killers' or The Fratellis' back catalogue. 'Esmerelda' brings some rest bite from the monotony, with a fresh infusion of Latin melodies, however the track still feels rather weak and powerless. "Not A Sound' completes the proceedings and returns Gringo Star to the standard generic indie rock of the album's opening.

It's not that I particularly dislike this band or their album, it all solid stuff. But music should be more about being able to play a tune and making it sound all professional with a decent producer. Music should be about entertainment. Once you get past the name, there really isn't anything here that entertains me. However, saying that, I see enough potential in songs like 'No Man' and 'Esmerelda' which make me think that one day they'll produce something that will genuinely jump up and grab me by the balls. I hope so anyway.