Army Of Freshmen

I’ve got to know Army Of Freshmen over the past couple of years and when I heard that coming over on their first headlining UK tour, and that they were coming to my hometown there was no way I was going to miss it.

I was looking forward to seeing the boys play a full set and it seemed the crowd was to, as everyone waited excitedly for the band to come on stage. There was it good atmosphere in the room, which was helped by the six Army Of Freshmen guys mingling with their fans and enjoying a few beers before their set.

It wasn’t long before they were live onstage looking very a home and happy in their role as headliners. Frontman Chris Jay bounced around the stage, hitting every note and taking the time to interact with the crowd, making sure they were having as much fun as he was. The Army Of Freshmen had an infectious energy and everyone in the room seemed to be having a good time, and only a few tracks were played before a giant pair of pants found their way on to the stage before being draped over Owen’s mic stand.

The guys played a good mixture of songs from their old album and the new album ‘Above The Atmosphere’, while the older tracks seemed to be the true crowd pleasers everyone seemed more than happy to hear the new material. Musically they sounded fab, there was a perfect balance between bass, drums, guitars and keys making it possible to pick out every layer of every song. In the vocal department Chris, Aaron and Owen once again proved themselves to be a triple threat. Owen’s beautiful ballad voice gives the poetic lyrics a sweet ring and adds feeling, Aaron following up on the choruses really give them that extra kick and Chris’ fast lyrics and silver tongue really does give them diversity.

I’m not sure how many times I’ve actually seen these guys live but they never fail to impress, you can’t help but have a good time and go home smiling.