Like a swarm of bees on crack!
Perhaps this member of the music press doesn't understand Lethal Bizzle? Perhaps it is unfair for me to comment on such an enigmatic and solid pillar of the rap community? But nevertheless, I shall attempt to review what I found to be a rather amusing, cliched and quite frankly, funny performance from Mr Bizzle.
I can't bring myself to actually say the name of this band anymore. The amount of times I heard that bloody surname has now got me running around screaming every-time I hear it, as if a swarm of bees is suddenly chasing me. Yup, that seems to be the main gist of this performers act. Self grandising, stereotypical gangster MC-ing.
But that's the appeal I think. I couldn't help but laugh through this set and yes, I was bouncing a little. That's pretty much what you are there for. Sure, I think the fact that it started to rain probably helped this performer's cause quite a bit. Most were just trying to stay dry.
I think this crowd is much more into this band than the Download fans were. In fact, we are greeted by a small little anecdote from the venerable MC on how the Download fans "don't mean 'nuthin" and that he'll "play download 'cos I can" and that hes a "fucking rock-star" and what not. I wondered whether there was going to be some Download bashing and lo and behold, there was.
I can't bring myself to say anything really bad here. It'd be like kicking a puppy. The puppy is just too cute and trying it's best, but it's still just an interesting, cute distraction from other things.