Headline Act
I think it is fair to say that the excitement of seeing Saturday's headline act, Gallows, had been building all throughout the day. For most it was the first time seeing them play an outdoor gig, let alone headline and with the memory of a storming set opening up for Rage Against The Machine's victory gig fresh in the mind, the excitement was building up with this reviewer too.
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The now familiar air raid siren started up signalling the crowd were about to be attacked by the Hertfordshire punksters, only for it all to change and Right said Fred's 'Deeply Dippy' played for the band to come out to. Front man, Frank Carter, came out last in a hoody, showing that even on stage there was a slight chill in the air which those that had not attempted to drink the bar dry were feeling.
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The band kicked off with their usual self abandon but it did not take long for the sound issues that had hampered the main stage all day to raise their ugly head in a very big way. Bassist, Stuart Gili-Ross, just had his amp cracking up so badly all though the first song, it was a miracle Gallows made it through without complaining but then that is them, they are not prima donnas, when things are tough they roll up their sleeves and get stuck in.
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Although the major issues had been resolved by the time they kicked into their second track, 'London is The Reason', the overall sound quality had not been. Maybe the amps and sound guy had collapsed under the strain of the constant heavy power chords of the opening day.
But did Gallows or the crowd let it get in the way of having a great time, no chance. Powering through the set is what Gallows do best, no holds barred and all that. Playing pretty much all the tracks the crowd wanted to hear and sing along to. One thing that has crept in recently though, is Frank wanting to thank everyone possible. Now while it is hard find fault in the sentiment, it did seem to happen too often, although reminding crowds to look after each other and respect the security guys as they are there to look after you, do need saying a lot, especially to crowds going wild like here.
All in all, I have never been disappointed with a live set from Gallows and tonight was no exception. However, they have played better shows than this.
To view all photos taken during this set click here. There are 8 available.